Monday, January 10, 2011

Work in Progress

I haven't blogged much, but I have a good reason.

My first quilt of 2011.

The piecing is done.
 10" squares pieced together

Subcut and placed

I am now quilting. Free-motion on my Viking, of course! Stay tuned for the finish.


MariQuilts said...

Looks great.....but I'm very curious how you did the subcuts???

Theodora quilts said...

that is real pretty ,I have been quilt;ing many various projects and working on them ,I have a greek friend that is really interested in quilting so we will have a quilt evening at my home it should be fun ,the whether has been nice no snow hear just some rain ,have you organized your new sewing space yet? hope the whether get's a little better over there,xoxo theodora

Bia, from Brazil said...

Love the colors and the choice of fabric. This is a pattern I´d like to try when I grow up...