
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Scraps at work #1

Remember back in November when I organized my scraps? I have put them to use! Here is quilt #1 that I put together:

 Scrappy Triangles
47" x 41"

The scrappy parts used a bunch of my red and orange scraps with a touch of the yellow. The solid areas are made of some osnaburg cotton I had in my meager stash. The binding is beige dots from my scraps as well. The batting was a scrap from another project as well. I love using up my scraps!

FMQ-ed with a loose meander.

I have an equilateral triangle that I wanted to get comfortable using, and scraps are great for learning new skills. The osnaburg is quite inexpensive and I love the texture contrast. I was amazed at the ease with which this came together. This quilt is destined for donation.

1 comment:

  1. so fun. love the gray. the triangles look like they are tumbling...

    think i might go with triangles for my challenge quilt...


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