
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

a stolen/borrowed picture

In our ornament/decor swap last night, I got this cutie:

Made, and photographed, by Sarah. Isn't he the cutest? She also makes amazing cupcakes and candies. It is all her fault I fell off my low-carb wagon last night and ate 4 of her chocolate/caramel goodies! I hang my head in shame, but they were delicious! And yes, my husband got the 2 I brought home!

Roxanne picked the item I brought, this table runner:
A detail shot:
I hope she enjoys it!

I made a pouch for Janet, but do not have a picture. I made it using the QuiltCon colors and a recessed zipper. This was a great swap and I stepped outside my zone and learned how to sew a recessed zipper!


  1. Yes, I LOVE my table topper! It's beautiful. The corners on your binding are perfect!!! Maybe you'll do a tutorial???? Merry Christmas, Roxanne

  2. how did I miss this owl -- it's precious.


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