
Monday, April 11, 2011

Non-sewing, but quilt related

While I have been traveling for work and staying with my MIL during her recuperation, I knew I would not have the time to dedicate to actual quilting or sewing, but I did want to do something to enhance my skills and keep my creativity flowing. So I have been practicing some FMQ stitches. By drawing them!

A sketch pad (from Barnes & Noble for $6.98) along with my extra-fine Sharpie makes the designs flow.

 If you can draw it, you can stitch it. And I want to make stitch samples. Just for me. I like cataloging stuff like that.

It will be fun to develop a book of all my stitch samples! And it will keep me from getting bored with my quilting.


  1. Great idea...I need to do more of that.

  2. It is a great idea, so much easier to do on paper instead of on a quilt, where you have to pick out the stitching if you mess it up and we all know that takes FOREVER. I love the last picture (leaves) the best of all these designs.

  3. What a great idea. I hope things improve for your mother in law soon.

  4. aah, stitch doodling...big fun! :)


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