
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Getting close on another completion!

It was a very chaotic week for me. I had a business trip that started at 4am Tuesday morning (when I got up) and ended at 11pm Tuesday night (when I got home). This day consisted of 4 flights, 3 hr round-trip commute from airport to customer, 2 1/2 hr meeting (during which I gave a spectacular presentation and was congratulated by my CEO!). Then I stayed with my MIL Wednesday night and Thursday night since she is still recuperating from a 7 week hospital stay (for a still undetermined infection which almost cost her life and then her leg!). So, needless to say, not much in the quilting realm til this weekend. Whew! Well hubby left yesterday to stay 2 nights with his mom, so I have been quilting! And I am almost done with this: 
(sneak preview only!)

Just have to hand-stitch the binding down and wash it. I love how it is going! I am trying to finish all my UFOs. I have 1 more large top  and a table topper to quilt, then a wall quilt for my bedroom. I am also going to try and use up some small scraps before starting another quilt top. So much I want to make and so little time!


  1. Okay, busy lady! And with what time have you been quilting?

    I want to see more of that quilt. The colors are so soothing!

  2. Saw "daydreams" today, and loved it!

    Have ready to put borders on my star BOM...can't wait to see what you do with your Mom's.


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