
Sunday, April 3, 2011


I started this little quilt earlier in the year with no plan. Just a "Make Life" charm pack, sewing half-square-triangles as a way to waste some time. I played around with layouts for the blocks then put them away while I made other things. I just do not like UFOs. Makes me feel incomplete. So, I took these little blocks back out and put them on my design wall and the idea hit!

I call it "Charming Life" and it measures 30" x 30". I thought maybe a baby quilt, but now think either a sweet wall quilt, or table topper.

Played with FMQ. Love how my BabyLock Quest is working! 

Next up, finishing another UFO! Got a busy week with some work travel combined with staying with MIL, so quilting and posting may not happen. Oh well, life occurs, gotta live it!

1 comment:

  1. your quilt turned out so cute. great design, and lots of room for quilting!


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