
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

2 WIPs

I am off to stay with my MIL again for the next 2 nights, so sewing is again curtailed. I am hand stitching the binding on the quilt from earlier in the week. Should have it completed and laundered for a full shot this weekend. Meanwhile, I am taking this top to work to pin baste on our tall worktable:

And this is an improvisational piece I started by stitching scraps end to end and then folding them in half and sewing together. Initially I was going to treat it as a piece of fabric to cut up for blocks, but looking at the picture, I really like the movement. 

Sort of reminds me of a "Gee's Bend" style top. I will keep it on the design wall for a while to see how it evolves.


  1. These are BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for your comment on my blog btw. You are obviously an amazing fabric artist. You give me something to work towards! The top picture reminds me of this incredible painting of bamboo that I saw in the park by my house one day. Unfortunately for me, the artists price point was like 3600.00 which was a little high for us a the time.
    I love the colors and lines you used. It is hands down georgeous! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. the first piece is so wonderful, I love the quilt as art and this reminds me of birch trees in a forest, so beautiful, well done!

  3. love both projects. The Gees Bend style is nice.

  4. I love these and especially the second one. I hope that you continue with it instead of cutting it up.

  5. What beautiful quilt tops! I love them both, great work. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )


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