
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Random thoughts in the midst of it all

The move is steadily becoming more real. We have had inspectors, contractors, power technicians, et al, showing up. We have paperwork to assemble. Stuff to clean out, donate, trash, prepare to pack.
We are looking at 4 houses on Saturday and I am hoping one of these feels right. 

After so long, it is hard to realize I am going to be living full-tim with my hubby again. I really, really miss him.

Our son is now 21. He is moving back to school on Saturday. He has been cleaning out his stuff, peeling away the layers of little boy, teen-ager, revealing the strong young man. Yep, my baby is a man.

Our BOD (Big, Old, Dog), Murray is really slowing down. His arthritis is causing him a lot of pain. I have been on the phone with his vet almost daily as we map out a new care regimen to manage his pain.

Pepper and Sarge are still rambunctious sweet pups. I am looking for a place to board them for our transition time. The time after we move out of here, before we move into our new home. Looks like it will be about 2 weeks.

Maybe we can find the perfect place and get it closed soon, so we can all live as a family unit again. Too many things on my mind to quilt right now.
I am excited!

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