
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Purging for the Move!

I am trying to sort and purge a little each evening as we prepare for our move. We did a lot of this last year before we put the house on the market, so it is not as bad as it could be! But, I have acquired and accumulated so I must sort and eliminate! My son has already taken a load to the 'dump' from the basement, and I am gathering a load to go to Goodwill. Some of my craftin supplies I am offering in my etsy shop. If you want some killa deals go here and buy. I have books and sewing patterns listed now and will be adding other craft supplies as I sort. All my proceeds will go toward my new studio (if we find a house!) 

On the quilting front, well, with the move imminent, that is taking a backseat. I am quilting on a scrap quilt, and helping a friend make a quilt. So, I will sew more and post as the time allows!

1 comment:

  1. I sent you two emails about your books on etsy, hoping you respond soon. Thanks!


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