
Friday, August 20, 2010

Thoughts while quilting

So its Friday night, Hubby and Man-Cub are at the high school football opener, and I am in the sweatshop, free-motion quilting like crazy.
Normally this sones me out; the hum of the machine, the softness of the fabric, the repetition of the movements.
Not tonight. I am covered in a shroud of anxiety. 

Not all anxiety is bad. This is more of the " I am anxious to find our new home, get moved and settled and resume life."
Right now, I am in limbo. I know, I have been asking for this for well over a year (Hubby took the new job in Feb of 2009). I just really am ready to GO.

I know we will have to have transitional housing. We are planning to crash with my MIL as she lives alone and we have enough room for our hounds. No room at all for our stuff, but enough room for the dogs! LOL. And everything will have to be stored for that time.
Yes, I may have to go almost A WHOLE MONTH without quilting! (I am aghast at the thought.)

I may spend the time, piecing instead. I simply cannot go that long without sewing. Period.
Anyway, wish us luck, we are looking at 4 different houses tomorrow. I really hope one of them is THE ONE!


  1. A month of no quilting would be a punishment. I hope you find some way to get some sewing in while you are in transition!

  2. I can imagine a month without your passion will be quite a drag, but if it gets you guys closer to Stokes County then (selfishly) bring it on. You are both a plus to this neck of the woods and we can't wait to get you closer full time.

  3. Good luck on your house hunting!! You'll know it when you see it (or at least I did!).

  4. I received the books yesterday, they were in my mailbox when I got home from work. Thanks again! And I hope you found a house today, and get your life settled soon. Good luck.


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