
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New Quilter Crushes

Seems to me there is a lot of new talent and inspiration in our Quilting World of late. Or maybe its just that I am really tuned into it! Since I am not much farther along on my king-sized Christmas quilt to have new pics to post, today I am gushing over some of my fave Quilters!

First up, Raymond K. Houston of Nacho Grandma's Quilts. I found Raymond while looking for "quilter men" in order to inspire my Dad to join us. Well, Raymond's intriguing tile designs captivated not just me, but my Mom as well! And to top it off, not only is he talented and inspiring, he is incredibly nice as well! Check out his site, his blog and his book. Guy knows his stuff!

Next, Leah Day of Day Style Designs and 365 Freemotion Quilting Filler Designs. She is posting almost daily, freemotion designs as well as making a DVD, managing her online store and being a mom! Don't know how she does it and still comes up with new stitches. She has taught me a lot and the improvements in my own free motion stitching shows that!

Winding up with Elizabeth Hartman of Oh, Fransson! She has such a clear, fresh sense of color and I could just gaze at her Paintbox quilts for hours! She takes marvelous photos and writes clear tutorial on her projects.

Check out these peeps at their links. Makes me proud to be part of the Quilting Tribe! (Nope, I am not being compensated, I just am giving a shout-out to 3 awesome and inspiring artists/designers!)

*In other news: my Dad will be having a cardiac catheterization on Monday, Feb 8. Our hope and prayer is that this goes well so the brain surgery can be quickly rescheduled as the tumor is still there and growing. Thank you so much for keeping Dad in your thoughts and prayers. I believe this little detour is a blessing, since he has had no symptoms of any heart problems before.

Piece On!

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