
Friday, February 5, 2010

If its Friday, it must be snow (again)

Once again, we are in the grip of a Winter Storm. I believe all these snows are part of a conspiracy between the Government and the Retail Establishment (along with the dairies and bakeries) to get the public to spend money. It is working. Again, the forecast called for a Significant Winter Storm Event with Significant Ice Accumulation, and again I find myself in the Grocery Store on Thursday night buying the last loaf of bread. As I have mentioned, my hubby and I are currently living in 2 locations due to his job change (over a year ago) and the fact our house hasn't sold (I know, right?). -sidebar- heck, the house hasn't even been shown since October, OCT-freaking-TOBER!- So I am alone during the week, he comes home on Friday. In a normal winter weather situation, we would go out to a local BBQ place for dinner on Friday night, then he would go on Saturday morning for a few groceries. Well, Ole Man Winter didn't like that scenario, so in addition to my 1 hour commute (each way), now I am fighting the masses in the local Food Lion on Thursday! Oh, I am tired of this! Anyway, the weather studs nailed it again and I woke up to this:
I left the pic dark, this is what it really looked like, all blue and white. A blanket of white. Currently 4 inches of fresh snow, with sleet falling on top. Oh, well, can't do a thing about the weather, glad I have some stuff to sew. And all this snow has given great opportunity for pretty pictures. I noticed this in the parking lot at work yesterday:
Nice how the little droplets catch the light. And since I am snowed in, I will be working from home, in my PJs! 

I did stitch this up last night:
I have another free-motion class to teach on Feb 20 and all my samples are currently on exhibit, so I need something to show my students! I have always loved the graphic simplicity of Amish quilts, and I had got my Kona Sampler from Pink Chalk, so I got busy! I will layer it and stitch it tonight and tomorrow. Okay, have a good Friday wherever you are! Piece On!

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