
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Snow day Sunday

We got another taste of winter that started Friday night and lasted into Saturday night. We woke up Sunday to a beautiful clear blue sky. This was a spectacular winter day! Jacob shoveled the drive and in the afternoon we piled the hounds into the car and set out to the park so they could have a romp.
This particular park has moles, and Pepper loves to try to find them!

Al always says "Pure Joy!" when we watch Sarge run. He does love it. He has come a long way since we got him in May.

Murray doesn't run with the 2 young ones, but he enjoys the park in his own way.
Jacob and I had fun dyeing on Saturday. This is one of his shirts.

Quilt-wise I have started my king-sized Christmas quilt. It has a lot of cutting for the small pieces, but it will go together quickly!

I love the "Figgy Pudding" collection.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love your Christmas quilt. You are so smart to start now!


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