Monday, July 18, 2011

Quilting on dog and cat

I have layered and basted the dog and cat quilt for the Stokes County Humane Society. I spray basted this one, which is a new thing for me. I had tried spray basting in the past, but evidently had used too much spray! I am trying again, using just a spritz, and I have to say, it was much easier and much less messy. I loaded the machine with a new needle and decided to quilt this one with some King Tut cotton thread I have on hand. 

I am using the variegated beige on top and the solid Ecru YLI thread in my bobbin. I am such a rebel! I rarely use the same thread in top and bobbin anymore. And guess what, I doubt the "quilt police" will show up and issue me a citation for doing it this way!

Since the center is appliqued, I did an echo stitch around the dog and cat. Then, since this quilt was designed to be focusing on the fabric and the applique, and I want the stitching to recede, I am doing a meandering stitch in the ground. 

Aren't the dogs in the background cute? Next up, what stitch design to use in the side panels.


Quiltingranny said...

Adorable! I have a can of that basting spray, haven't tried it yet!

Anonymous said...

I never use the same threads for top and bottom either - I guess the police can haul us both away! :)