
Wednesday, May 9, 2012


*the sound of my head exploding after awesome Quilt Superstar overload!

Last night's TMQG meeting was the BEST YEST! (sorry for the excessive use of exclamation points, but c'mon, peeps, TOTAL QUILT GIDDINESS).

We met at Karen Gray Design, a change in venue for this special meeting. Bittersweet for me, Karen has sold this gorgeous bastion to a delightful young quilter, Gina. BUT Karen is staying in the area pursuing other creative endeavors. Expect to hear great new things from her!

Our guest speaker? 
Flair for your blog!

Yes, the quilt-stud himself! Quilt Dad, John Adams!
Can I just say, besides being a great quilter, imaginative, tall and handsome, he is such a nice guy and a true gentleman. He was delightful. He told his quilt story, showed his awesome work, answered questions and hung out.  His quilts are beautiful. As an extra, several of the quilts were quilted by the Superstar, Angela Walters. And let me tell you, her work is more inspiring in person. We also got to see his 2 Nightshade quilts featured in the current issue of FatQuarterly. Again, gorgeous!

One more awesome Angela quilt was shown, by the sweet Gina (new owner of the shop "The Little General"). And you can read about it here!


  1. Wow sounds like you had a blast! How cool to get to meet them in person! =D

  2. Thanks for the sweet compliments!! You are too sweet :)


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