
Monday, May 7, 2012


*Posts have been light due to on-the-job travel and drama. Ditto on my sewing/quilting adventures. It is my hope that those things settle a bit, so I can get back into my studio. I did go upstairs on Sunday to renew my acquaintance with my sewing machines. They were a bit aloof, but I believe they will accept me back.

Prior to work-related-crap, I was battling a massive migraine. I had suffered from them years ago, but this did not present in the same way. My doc gave me a shot of a high-powered anti-inflammatory, but it really did not help. The headache actually broke while I was traveling last week.

If I owe you an email, I am slowly making my way through them. Please forgive my tardy response!

Anyway, this weekend was jam-packed with events to attend. I really wanted to stay home, but ended up having a GREAT time! Love it when that happens. Saturday afternoon my husband and I attended Painting North Carolina Plein Air Show 2012. It was held in a magical valley in Stokes County. We had amazing food and wine and ended up bringing this guy home:

Buddha in the Magnolia Leaves by Keyhill Sheorn

Excited is not enough to describe it! All the painting produced on Saturday were donated by the artists. They were auctioned to benefit the education programs of the Stokes Arts Council. I had selected 3 paintings that I really liked, we were outbid on 2, but this was my favorite. And we got him!

In quilt related news, the Triad Modern Quilt Guild meets tomorrow night. I missed our April meeting due to work travel, so I am really looking forward to this gathering tomorrow night. In support of our donation quilts, we were challenged to make a star block using orange. Here is mine:

Here's to getting back into a groove!


  1. Glad to hear the travelling helped the migraine go down!
    The painting looks so cool. Love your block =D

  2. Loved your blog with the quilting in the middle of the star. I'm glad you're headache is gone and you're back on track!

  3. I love your block too!. Ive been light on the blog posts too because my wrists have been really bothering me. I havent been sewing a lot either or even reading my blogs. Boo who


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