
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Resting & Nesting

We have had a crazy busy week followed by a teaching Saturday, so I have been trying to recuperate and recharge today. I had 10 fabulous, wonderful ladies in my FMQ beginners class yesterday. They were attentive, supportive and willing. I had a great time! Then I took my mom to a late lunch and dropped by to help my dad with some computer questions. A good day. Today, instead of sewing, I decided it was time to get the sewing studio in shape.

Remember the before?

Here's the after:

I got my wall rack that my son made up on the wall. On it I have tops ready to quilt.

The other side of the window I put new shelves and got my batting and fabric stash out of bags and off the floor:

Ready to get back to sewing!

In our living space, we hung "Wildfire". I love it!


  1. I love it too ,your space is so neat and ready to work and create ,it is so nice to live near your parents home so you can help them out and spend quality time.xoxo theodora

  2. what a fabulous sewing area! i'd love to have crafty space besides the dining table!


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