
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dog update

If you have been reading this humble blog for long, you know I adore my hounds.

We had adopted Sarge in May 2009. At that time, he was quite traumatized from his life "before". 
Almost 2 years later, this Belgian Malinois has rehabilitated nicely. He is still a bit timid, but has a sweet disposition and is begining to play games with my husband (he was terrified of men!). 

On the sofa, watching TV, he loves "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer"

He sleeps with us, and our other Mal-mix, Pepper. They enjoy playing together and are great companions. We took them both to PetSmart last Friday evening for the very first time. They were so well-behaved! We are planning on beginning formal training with both of them in February. Should be fun!


  1. I need a formal training myself so I stop spoiling dogs! I love my dog more than anyone around me and I´m sorry I´m not able to adopt other dogs and take care of them.

  2. how sweet...i love seeing pictures of the pooches!


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