
Friday, September 10, 2010

a quilt to tide you over

0909102057.jpg, originally uploaded by kheli.

All our stuff is now in storage. The movers came on Wednesday, we signed the deed over this morning and are waiting for the funds to be transferred. Then, the sale will be final! Hubby, myself and the 2 dogs are staying with my dear MIL til we find a more permanent abode. She lives way out in the country, so no internet! I am blogging from my son's place at ASU and the (blurry) photo is of his t-shirt quilt my mom made for him. No quilting for me lately, but as I get settled next week, I have some small projects to sew. I will post as I am able. Keep sewing and quilting!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you can catch up on some rest out there in the country!! Hope things work out for you-fast!!


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