
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pardon me while I whine a bit*

*yet another non-quilting-related post, but I am homeless and the househunting is getting to me.

We spent another Sunday afternoon with our realtor looking for a home. Got in 5 houses, drove by a 6th. The 5th and final was the one I want. It was empty and bank-owned. So we prepare paperwork and are now at the mercy of the parties on the other end.

Of the other 4, 2 showed well, they were clean, uncluttered and smelled good. They just were not what we are looking for. The other 2? Sellers: there is a reason why your houses haven't sold yet. Have you heard of CLEANING? And DECLUTTERING? One of the houses was a For Sale By Owner. Hello? Can you please clear us a path? How can your house make a good impression if I can not see it because of the piles of stuff and boxes of belongings and basements packed full?

I told hubby that we are seriously purging AGAIN as we unpack. All these homes full of crap have made me feel so claustrophobic. I know we do not need to hang onto all this stuff.

I am beyond frustrated in this process. I am now actively looking for a decent rental. Let the market settle. Bank some more cash. Set up my sewing space and get back to that.


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