
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My view, or R&R on the intercoastal

June 15,2010, originally uploaded by kheli.
My sweet hubby and I are staying in the awesome condo of our friends, Steve & Sherri. It sits right on the intercoastal waterway between Swansboro and Camp Lejuene on the beautiful NC coast. Steve and Sherri were planning to be here as well, but a family emergency arose and they couldn't make it. I was disappointed as we always have so much fun with them. But, I brought my sewing machine, a project to quilt and a couple of books. The heat has been tremendous, more than usual for this time of year. Hubby has been attending a conference and I do not have transportation, so I am here, alone. And what a rare and beautiful treat!

I sat on the dock yestrday afternoon. Pure natural silence broken only by the gulls and the splash of a school of mullet playing. They sparkeld in the light as they swam around and jumped out of the water. The gentle motion of the water and the light breeze are really relaxing.

I have been quilting a little, reading a lot. And soaking up the good vibes.

1 comment:

  1. Color me jealous :o) Looks wonderful. We've been stuck inside with the heat (yesterday heat index of 110) - whew... Have a great vacation!


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