
Sunday, June 13, 2010

2010 ytd update

I found my 2010 quilting goals list last night. 

1. Christmas quilts for my king-size bed and for our full-size guest bed (2 quilts) - Top for king quilt is 95% done, just need to add border, then quilt. I am going to wait and quilt this on Mom's new Gammill when it arrives.Haven't started the full-size.
2. Finish the string quilt for our king-size bed. (1 quilt) Still a work-in-process.
3. Sew curves! Currently working on a quilt that incorporates them. (1 quilt) Completed!
4. Make one of these cute circle quilts using my scraps. (1 quilt) Not yet.
5. Enter quilting shows.Completed! I got into the AQS Paducah and AQS Knoxville shows. Also had a duo show with my Mom!
6. Teach what I know.Completed and in process. I am currently teaching 1 free-motion class per month. I have learned so much, and met so many wonderful quilters who have all been very supportive!
7. Compile and publish a quilt pattern. Not even close.
8. If what I am making/sewing/quilting is not fun, I am not going to do it. This is supposed to be a fun hobby, not work! In process. I have slowed down, and am enjoying it more, and my seams and corners are matching better because of it!
9. Find a quilting group/guild. Not yet, this may have to wait until the hubby and I are living in the same house, THAT has become a major goal!
10. Dye more fabric. I will be cranking up on this soon. The weather has warmed and hopefully the schedule will calm down to make time for this.

I have made progress on some, and deviated on others. Having most evenings alone seems to have been quite productive! From my Flickr set, here are my 2010 completions to date:

 Hubby and I are off to the coast for the week. He has a 3 day conference, and I am going along for the ride. Yes, I am taking my machine, but only to quilt my "Boo Time" top. I plan on resting, a lot and reading and just existing.


  1. You are doing pretty good on your resolutions and the body of work you have already completed this year is very impressive! Hmmm... I wonder where I put those resolutions of mine...? lol

  2. Wow! You've done a lot! Keep up the great work - have fun at the beach!!!

  3. Hi Kheli... thanks for your comments on my blog. Jumped over here to take a look. I am really impressed with your resolutions as well as your 2010 finished projects! How do you find the time???



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