
Monday, June 28, 2010

Design Wall Monday

I am piecing a baby quilt using the "Simplicity" collection by 3 Sisters for Moda. I am not a "pink" person, but I love these patterns! 

I have to finish the inner brown border, then add the outer border. I can't wait to quilt this one! I did finish the top from last Monday, but I am waiting to receive my batting, backing fabric and  thread before I can quilt it. So now I have 2 to quilt. I like making quilts in waves. I like to have 2-3 projects in process. I usually get them all finished and then do a major cleaning of the studio! Works for me!

Here in North Carolina we have been slammed with an early summer heat wave. Temps in the high 90s for a week now. Our air conditioning stopped working last week, but fortunately it was a minor repair. And our house has been shown twice in the last week! I am keeping positive about a buyer, what else can I do?

Friday, June 25, 2010

*Flashback* quilts in my past!

Here is the very first quilt I made.

I did candle wicking (anyone remember that craft fad?, Candle wicking was a form of embroidery that created simple designs by using french knots) on bleached muslin, then pieced it in the centers of simple 9 patch squares. It is a large-lap/small-twin size.

My Mom actually hand-quilted it for me. She had to give that up due to carpel tunnel syndrome and surgery. Her stitches are so neat and even. But don't feel sad for her, she is getting a new Gammill! She switched to long-arm quilting several years ago, first on her Hinterberg Voyager (actually a mid-arm) and has sold it to make room for the Gammill. Can't wait to play on that new toy!

I started this while I was in high school. Amazing an ancient artifact like this is still around! It does show wear, and there are spots where one of our hounds had gnawed on is as a pup, but we still use it!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

#3 Flag

Here's the 3rd in my series: Flags of Imaginary Countries. This is "Votka", 13" by 15", free-motion quilted with silk thread. I see Votka as a land of islands and fjords, snow capped mountains and saunas. Cold, but clean and clear; inhabited by a tribe of nomadic quilters who herd roaming cotton-tails (a wild deranged rabbit that sheds its tail every 3 months). The tribes pick up the cotton-tails as they are shed and use them for their delightful quilted arts. These quilters are small, and shy and if you see them by the light of the full-moon they will lead you to a fabric stash of legend!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Design Wall Monday

Here is what I am now working on.

This is so easy and fun! All half-square triangles. I am using the "Carpenter's Star" pattern from Simple Stars Beautiful Quilts by Debbie Maddie. This is my full-sized Christmas quilt and it is moving right along.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

BooTime Completed!

I took "BooTime" to the beach. I basted and quilted a little each day.
I used fluorescent orange Isofil polyester thread in a loopy stitch in the center.

I used fluorescent green Isofil thread on the scrappy border and used a cute tossed skeletons print as the binding.

 I love how the thread seems to glow. This quilt measures 74" by 64".

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Quilt shop Loot from Jacksonville

Quilt shop Loot from Jacksonville, originally uploaded by kheli.
Look at my goodies! I bought 3 new quilting books: Quilt as Desired by Charlene C. Frable, Quick Quilt Tricks and More Quilt Tricks both by Billie Lauder. The 2 Billie Lauder books were recommended to me last week and I thought it was a crazy coincidence to find them in the first shop I visited, sitting in a prominent place in the front of the shop! I also picked up 3 Moda Charm Packs: ZaZa, Merry and Bright, and Adoring. I love pre-cuts and it was awesome to find so many here. I also picked up the Simplicity Layer Cake and 2 coordinates for a future baby quilt. Then the luscious batiks! Those are also for a future project! Nice to refill my stash coffers with these lovelies!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16, 2010 - still quiet, cloudy

June 16, 2010, originally uploaded by kheli.
It started very hot today. I decided to try to find an LQS (Local Quilt Shop) and left out at 10 this morning. I found 2! Stop and Shop #1 was Cotton Patch Quilt Shoppe in Jacksonville, NC (910-938-1395). I could tell by the awesome customer service on the phone (I had to call twice since the Google directions were off and they talked me right to their front door!) that this would be a good stop. It looked like a tiny little place, but once I got inside I was blown away by the inventory! Fabulous amounts of fabrics! Tons of Moda and some of the most beautiful batiks I have ever seen. Sharon the owner was so fun with a ready smile as well as directions to the other shops in town! I bought a couple of cool books and some of those beautiful batiks. They have a lot of past season's Moda lines, so if you are needing some, give them a call, they do not have a website, but they will ship!

The second stop and shop was as unasuming and delightful as the first. It was The Country Collection Quilt Shop, also in Jacksonville, NC (910-347-1960). Again, tiny on the outside but packed full of goodies! Lots of Moda precuts and more fabric bolts than you can imagine! Connie helped me there and again I have to say, quilters are just the nicest people! Here I bought a layer cake and some fabric for a baby quilt. They also will ship and have a lot of fabric.

Altogether, a phenomenal day! ( I will post a pic of my goodies later).

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My view, or R&R on the intercoastal

June 15,2010, originally uploaded by kheli.
My sweet hubby and I are staying in the awesome condo of our friends, Steve & Sherri. It sits right on the intercoastal waterway between Swansboro and Camp Lejuene on the beautiful NC coast. Steve and Sherri were planning to be here as well, but a family emergency arose and they couldn't make it. I was disappointed as we always have so much fun with them. But, I brought my sewing machine, a project to quilt and a couple of books. The heat has been tremendous, more than usual for this time of year. Hubby has been attending a conference and I do not have transportation, so I am here, alone. And what a rare and beautiful treat!

I sat on the dock yestrday afternoon. Pure natural silence broken only by the gulls and the splash of a school of mullet playing. They sparkeld in the light as they swam around and jumped out of the water. The gentle motion of the water and the light breeze are really relaxing.

I have been quilting a little, reading a lot. And soaking up the good vibes.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

2010 ytd update

I found my 2010 quilting goals list last night. 

1. Christmas quilts for my king-size bed and for our full-size guest bed (2 quilts) - Top for king quilt is 95% done, just need to add border, then quilt. I am going to wait and quilt this on Mom's new Gammill when it arrives.Haven't started the full-size.
2. Finish the string quilt for our king-size bed. (1 quilt) Still a work-in-process.
3. Sew curves! Currently working on a quilt that incorporates them. (1 quilt) Completed!
4. Make one of these cute circle quilts using my scraps. (1 quilt) Not yet.
5. Enter quilting shows.Completed! I got into the AQS Paducah and AQS Knoxville shows. Also had a duo show with my Mom!
6. Teach what I know.Completed and in process. I am currently teaching 1 free-motion class per month. I have learned so much, and met so many wonderful quilters who have all been very supportive!
7. Compile and publish a quilt pattern. Not even close.
8. If what I am making/sewing/quilting is not fun, I am not going to do it. This is supposed to be a fun hobby, not work! In process. I have slowed down, and am enjoying it more, and my seams and corners are matching better because of it!
9. Find a quilting group/guild. Not yet, this may have to wait until the hubby and I are living in the same house, THAT has become a major goal!
10. Dye more fabric. I will be cranking up on this soon. The weather has warmed and hopefully the schedule will calm down to make time for this.

I have made progress on some, and deviated on others. Having most evenings alone seems to have been quite productive! From my Flickr set, here are my 2010 completions to date:

 Hubby and I are off to the coast for the week. He has a 3 day conference, and I am going along for the ride. Yes, I am taking my machine, but only to quilt my "Boo Time" top. I plan on resting, a lot and reading and just existing.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A little eye candy

A color wheel of marbled fabric in the Sewingly Yours booth at the Not Just for Quilters Shop Hop in the J. E. Broyhill Civic Center, Lenoir, NC tomorrow and Saturday. I got a sneak preview (but no shopping) this afternoon during the set up time. If you are in the area, this is an awesome opportunity to get quilt stuff from over 10 vendors!

My sweet Pepper. She is so funny, she just flops down. Sarge will circle 3 times and then gracefully fold down, Murray grans, sits, then slides his front paws until he is lying down. But Pepper, she just flops! I have always loved that her face and head are triangles. And the was she furrows her brows always gives her a quizzical look. She is a sweetie, but then all 3 of my hounds are!

Dad drove up today to help me take the dogs out while the agents open house went on. It was crazy humid, but not too hot. We took the dogs to some trails nearby and strolled and talked. He is doing so well. It is amazing to think how close we came to loosing him not that long ago. Thanks again to everyone for their thoughts and prayers on Dad's behalf. They worked!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A little Marketing mojo

I have put this hand-out together for the agent's open house tomorrow. Not too bad, eh?

On the quilting front, I have revised my lesson for my Free-motion class. I think this is going to be the best yet!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm still here!

The blogging has fallen behind quilting in my attention. I have been sewing at a more leisurely pace, really enjoying each part of the process. Also, our son was home for a while and I have spent more time with him. He is off now at his summer job. He is a camp counselor for a YMCA camp. This week is orientation and training. The campers arrive next week.

I have finished piecing my Halloween quilt. I call it "Boo Time". I love this pattern! I will definitely use it again. I did deviate by making 30 blocks instead of 35. I laid it out 5 by 6. It is still 64" x 72". 

I also pieced the outer border. I did use a Michael Miller "Owl by Myself" FQ that I had, and I used my orange Amy Butler dots in the blocks with the darkest background. I like the playful scrapiness of it. I pieced the back but I am not layering it yet. I am going to the beach next week and this quilt can wait until I return.

I made this little stitching sampler for my next Free-motion class. 

I want to have my students make one for themselves. I did each stitch using YLI cotton thread and Isofil polyester thread. 

I am trying to improve and tweak my lesson plan as I go along. I am teaching Saturday. I am looking forward to spending the day in the quilt shop (Sewingly Yours) surrounded by the lovely quilters there!

On the home front, we are having an agent's open house this week. Hopefully this will raise our house's profile and show all the agents that this is a great house and they need to get their buyers in it!

It is quiet around here, but I am trying to be patient and keep positive. I know there is both a buyer for this house and the next home for us out there!