
Monday, March 29, 2010

A Completion...for a good cause

I have been sewing and quilting every possible moment for the past 2 weeks. And I have this to show for it!
This is "Best Buddies". It is approximately 65" x 65". I adapted my pattern from a free download from this n that fabrics. I made this to donate to the Stokes County Humane Society. Animals, especially dogs, have a special place in my heart (guess that's why I have 3!). The proceeds from this quilt will go to help this deserving organization and I am so happy I could help them out!

Some details of the quilt:

I took a 2-day machine quilting class a few weeks ago. I wanted to put a lot of the new methods I learned in this quilt. The corners are free-motione quilted hearts with stipple fill.

The borders are a cross-hatch grid I did with my walking foot.

The inner border I quilted with a twin-needle! This was the first time I have ever used a twin needle and I love the look!

In the center of the quilt, I echo quilted around each of the appliqued figures. Then I free-motioned a tight stipple all through the light ground. 
I really like how it turned out.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Quilting instead of blogging

That's what I've been up to!
Sorry for the less-than-optimum pix, but it is early here and the sun is not up yet.

 I have been working on this project diligently every possible moment. It has the most intense, densest quilt I have ever done. It is also an applique quilt, which is a technique I haven't used a lot, but I like it! This is a large quilt, 66" x 66" and I really want to get it finished. I will provide better pix when done! Enjoy Spring and Piece On!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Twin finishes

2 new baby quilts for TWINS! One of my hubby's cousins is expecting twins, one of each. So, that called for 2 quilts.

For the girl, I used 3 pink FQs with white and for the boy, I used an overall blue print from my stash. No new fabrics were purchased for these, just had to buy the batting!

The pink quilt I free-motioned in a loopy-loop.
The blue, I meandered.

Last weekend, I spent both days in a machine quilting class given at Sew Original in Boone. It was fantastic. I am trying to get to the proverbial "next level" with my quilts and the teacher, Kay (an incredible quilt artist) really taught me much, inspired me a ton and encouraged alot! Just need more time to quilt.

Friday, March 12, 2010

trying something new (for me)

I am learning how to paper piece. My Mom loves to paper piece, so I printed out a design and had a private lesson on it a few weeks ago. I decided to pick it up and finish the block tonight.
I like it! I want to make it larger and use my hand dyes. I love how sharp the points are and how perfect the spacing is.

Tomorrow and Sunday I am in a Machine Quilting class in Boone. I have been looking forward to this since last fall. The class was originally scheduled for January but was snowed-out. I can't wait to spend 2 days with quilters learning new tricks! Hope yours is a great weekend!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

on my Design Wall

I call this "portal"; it is all hand-dyes:

Pieced and ready to quilt!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Momma's got a brand new bag!

I love my new bag! I ordered it from I Have a Notion. It has a ton of interior pockets, including some that are perfect to hold water bottles. 

My original intention was to use this for Quilting classes, since it is large enough to hold everything. But I actually ended up using it for my recent overnight business trip and will use it to carry my daily stuff to work. I take my lunch most days (in Pyrex bowls) and most lunch bags are not designed to hold a bowl, nor keep it upright. I love the size, the design, the stability and all the pockets. And I love the red print!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Wonder-This one's going to Paducah!!!

Wonder, originally uploaded by kheli.

I got my packet today! (Well the packet is at home, I am currently on a business trip and my hubby told me about it!) This one got into the AQS Show in Paducah!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

never too late...

Time for a quilter's confession: I have, correction, HAD an 18 year old UFO. I started it during my 3rd foray into quilting, when my son was a toddler. The fabrics were all home-dec weight samples that my hubby had brought home from selecting fabric lines for the furniture manufacturer he used to work for. The heavier, tapestries I would use for Christmas Stockings, throw pillows and decorative vests (remember those?). And I saved these canvas stripes and plaid for a quilt top. I cut it the old-school way with scissors, and made up my pattern as I went. I sashed it with a light-weight denim and threw it into a closet. Then it made its way down to a basement. We moved to another house and it came with us. It has been on a shelf, in my basement, taunting me for quite a while. So I washe it to get rid of the musty odor, pinned it and here it is:

It is quite heavy. I used the lightest weight cotton batting and a light weight backing fabric. I wanted to quilt it in straight lines with my walking foot, but due to the thickness of the fabric, the seams were way too bulky for that.
 So I just doodled around in the sashing. It actually quilted quite quickly.

 And I have grown to like the softness of the colors with the pops of brighter colors as the centers. I am going to keep this in my car, as a utility quilt. It will be great to use as a picnic blanket, or throw on the beach. Never too late to finish a UFO!