
Friday, March 12, 2010

trying something new (for me)

I am learning how to paper piece. My Mom loves to paper piece, so I printed out a design and had a private lesson on it a few weeks ago. I decided to pick it up and finish the block tonight.
I like it! I want to make it larger and use my hand dyes. I love how sharp the points are and how perfect the spacing is.

Tomorrow and Sunday I am in a Machine Quilting class in Boone. I have been looking forward to this since last fall. The class was originally scheduled for January but was snowed-out. I can't wait to spend 2 days with quilters learning new tricks! Hope yours is a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I like paper piecing in small doses. I did a small quilt with lots of points. I got really tired of pulling off the paper.
    Thought you would like to see a quilt similiar to the one I did based on you Christmas gift quilt.
    It is on Flickr in the Fresh, Modern Quilt pool. Quilter used a four patch and white for the 2-sided sashing. Bonnie


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