
Saturday, March 6, 2010

never too late...

Time for a quilter's confession: I have, correction, HAD an 18 year old UFO. I started it during my 3rd foray into quilting, when my son was a toddler. The fabrics were all home-dec weight samples that my hubby had brought home from selecting fabric lines for the furniture manufacturer he used to work for. The heavier, tapestries I would use for Christmas Stockings, throw pillows and decorative vests (remember those?). And I saved these canvas stripes and plaid for a quilt top. I cut it the old-school way with scissors, and made up my pattern as I went. I sashed it with a light-weight denim and threw it into a closet. Then it made its way down to a basement. We moved to another house and it came with us. It has been on a shelf, in my basement, taunting me for quite a while. So I washe it to get rid of the musty odor, pinned it and here it is:

It is quite heavy. I used the lightest weight cotton batting and a light weight backing fabric. I wanted to quilt it in straight lines with my walking foot, but due to the thickness of the fabric, the seams were way too bulky for that.
 So I just doodled around in the sashing. It actually quilted quite quickly.

 And I have grown to like the softness of the colors with the pops of brighter colors as the centers. I am going to keep this in my car, as a utility quilt. It will be great to use as a picnic blanket, or throw on the beach. Never too late to finish a UFO!


  1. yipee! well done!! it looks great.

  2. I think you chose the perfect way to quilt this UFO. Congratulations!


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