
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hangin' Quilts

So January has been jam-packed for my family and me. I taught my first Free-motion class, so I had to prepare; my husband put on a first-ever multi-business event which I assisted; our son has had a full battery of allergy tests and is allergic to everything (well, duh); my father is facing surgery for a brain tumor, which had to be postponed today due to a newly-discovered heart problem (no stress or worrying here, folks!); my mom and I are having our very first ever joint quilt show, which we hung today. Yes, it has been quite tense in my little part of the world. I haven't gotten in as much sewing as I would have liked, but I have been involved in related activities! And now, our quilt show is hung, the opening reception is scheduled for Friday night (if we do not get snowed out), my father's surgery is in limbo, and my son is going on allergy therapy. But, one thing at a time, one day at a time (to borrow a sports cliche). The quilts look fabulous and I am so excited for this opportunity. Here is your own, private personal tour: 

As you walk in the door, you see my quilts "Wonder", then "Sunset Rendezvous". On the back wall is my mom's hand-quilted and appliqued "Anna's Blue Baskets":

Turn to the right and see my "Bali Masks", "Citron View" and mom's "Kelly's New York Beauty" (yep, she made this one for me!) Mom is good!

Then on the large wall, you will see (from right to left) mom's "Radiant Sunset", my "Perception Supernova" and mom's "Starlight Starbright" (I told you my mom is good!)

On the back wall of this section you see the rest of mom's "Starlight Starbright" and my "Perception Change".

It is a neat space, the building used to be a bank! The show is at the Stokes County Arts Council's "Apple Gallery" at 300 Main Street in Danbury, NC and runs from now through February 23. The gallery is open Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm. 

Please keep my dad in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks!


  1. Wow! Your quilts looks so beautiful!!! Great works!! I hope your father can face surgery very soon and so he can recover quickly! and I also hope that the allergy therapy works with your son!

  2. Terrific show. Yes, you do have a great Mom. Plus the rest of your family sounds OK too.:) Hope the heart problem is something that can be treated with medication and they can work around it with surgery. I am glad they are starting to screen older patients to prevent surprises in surgery that can cause big problems. Will indeed say prayer for your Dad.
    You have had a busy month, but now that it is over we are a little closer to spring. Bonnie

  3. Congratulations on the show! How exciting!
    Beautiful quilts! I think the Radiant Sunset is probably my favorite. (Not that you asked or anything...) ;-)


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