
Monday, January 25, 2010

Design Wall Monday

It rained here so much yesterday and last night, that we started looking for an ark! We had 4" of rain! It was dull. drab and gray all day, but the deluge geared up after dark. So what was I to do? Quilt, of course! Or in this case, piece! Since I had finished Penumbra, I wanted to do something a little smaller and quicker. And I had ordered fabric from Connecting Threads and it had arrived Saturday, so I had a new collection of FQs to play with. This was the first time I had ordered from them and I was very pleased! The fabric has a great hand, the colors are bright and the collection I purchased, Cheep Talk" is just too cute! So I began a baby quilt. (soory it is blurry, I will take a better shot once it it complete!)

I have a friend who expecting this summer. She doesn't know the sex, and wants to wait, so I thought this group would be fun for either boy or girl!
I love the little birds:

I also ordered several 4 yard cuts to use for backings. They have a group of fabrics on sale for $2.96/yd! Plus free shipping on orders over $50. I ordered Monday afternoon and received on Saturday! Nice to discover a new source. 


  1. oh i saw this cute fabric too! your quilt is gonna be great!

  2. Thanks for liking the blog redesign :o) Why didn't I wait to have Audrey after you started quilting big time? LOL! That fabric is adorable!

  3. When I made my Winter Reflection quilt it was in part inspired by some precut fabrics I ordered from Connecting threads. It was my first time to order, too. I was also impressed with the quality of the fabric and will used them again. Love what you have done!!!


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