
Saturday, September 19, 2009

The week in the Big Apple

A great trip to NYC. Stayed with friend and co-worker Geraldine in her fab Carrol Gardens Brownstone! There were 4 of us there, counting our hostess, so it was like a fabulous slumber party. Our purpose was work, but fun was had. The interesting thing? We walked so much, we were in bed by 9:30 each night!

Some interesting quilt-related pix:

Cool tie-dyed pillowcase at ABC Carpet & Planet (their new eco-name)

Neat quilting patterns seen at ABC and West Elm

Eye Candy from Chelsea gallery. This artist splashed paint (looks like latex to me) on a surface, lets it dry then cuts, peels and applies to canvas. Creates a neat pieced effect.

The only problem is the rotten cold I came home with. But I sure do love New York and its cool energy!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! That pillowcase reminds me of this rug that I posted about:

    Glad you had a great trip!


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