
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Quiet Sunday

Spent all day yesterday in Danbury at the "Stokes Stomp". A great festival that features tons of great music, dancers, art and food vendors, held in Moratock Park right beside the Dan River.

For more on the "Stomp" visit the "Stokes Folks" blog. A great way to spend a gorgeous September Saturday!

Today, I dyed more fabric:


Love these cool colors! I concentrated on greens and blues, since I have plenty of reds and oranges. Check out this awesome "crackled" grey!

I wet the cloth and sprinkled salt on it before adding to my dye bath. Love it!

And finished 2 pillow shams to add to my etsy shop:


Now, I must pack. I am off tomorrow morning, spending the week in New York. No blogging until Friday!


  1. The fabric you dyed came out perfect and I love love the pillow shams.

  2. Say hello to all my peeps up there :o) Safe travels!


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