
Saturday, June 9, 2007

A New Chapter

The past few weeks have been an intense blur. Work has been stressful and frustrating. And my man-cub has been going through several end-of-school year functions compounded by it being his senior year. All this reached it's crescendo last night with graduation exercises. And now, 13 years (including kindergarten) is over in the blink of an eye. Most of the last 2 weeks I have been 2 seconds away from sobbing uncontrollably with the sense that so much has happened so fast. I have felt alternately excited, old, angry and forlorn. Seems many of the functions of this time have made a serious effort at evoking strong emotion. Do I hide my emotions away so deeply, that this angers me?
Anyway, the sun came up this morning. My dogs needed to go out. I made coffee. Life goes on.
One chapter ends, another begins.
And I am very proud of my son!

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