
Thursday, March 3, 2016

time (mis)management

Antique quilts on display at the 
Core Sound Waterfowl Museum & Heritage Center on Harkers Island, NC

yet another month passes with minimal bloggage.

seems like this category of social media is fading a bit. Instagram is more, well, instant. From my IG account I can post to my IG followers, Twitter and Facebook with relative ease.

the blog has always seemed more of a diary of sorts to me. I never have "monetized" it, I would rather this be just a record, a place for accomplishments, thoughts, deeper sharing.

yes, my slower pace of quilting is still slow. we are once again preparing to move. this time to a house we have purchased. it is a cute place, with lots of light. we closed on it in December, but are having some updating done. painting, flooring, counter-tops, fence, and closing the screened porch in for my office/studio. Yes, about 1 year to the day, I will once again have my dedicated space. Should help me maintain focus and momentum for all the quilts in my head! Before and after pictures will come.

Anyway, work is work. My company has been purchased (again). Once more uncertainty rules. Since I moved into a different role, and work from my home office, or travel, the day to day anxiety has slowed. Thank goodness. Although the incessant stress of the past 15 years has already done damage. Without quilting, I would not know how to deal. When things get bad, I make quilts in my head! I hope for the best, but transitions are hard, no matter what intentions are.

Picture above from our Valentine's Weekend trip to the NC coast. My favorite place on Earth.

1 comment:

  1. Blogging should not be another chore. I'm so happy to read that you are quilting and moving to a new home with lots of windows. That is so exciting. I love your blog name "Remember your Karma" It's just an excellent mantra for life!


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