
Sunday, May 3, 2015

a transition quilt

We have been here a month now, in our new town. We are mostly unpacked, still settling in, working toward normal.I still haven't found a few items, but there are boxes we haven't opened. If we are moving again in a year, it really isn't necessary.

We are getting used to this house. It is not a bad house, it is just not one I would choose in other circumstances. Our lack of space is just something we will cope with. The dogs are still adjusting. They are quite clingy, and exhibit some anxious behaviors, but they are here and safe.

This neighborhood, though, or should I say are neighbors, are amazing! Could not ask for better!
Truly a gift! They greeted us with open arms and open hearts and we are really enjoying being around them.

Working from home is great! My stress level has plummeted. Now that I am on the phone for meetings, I seem to be able to fend of all the negativity of my workplace.  Yes, I have mentioned that here before, and it had settled down, but here comes more upheaval! But really, being on the phone instead of in the room, makes a huge difference!

Okay, chances are you did not land here to read about yet another example of corparate chaos, so here is my transition quilt. I call it that as I pieced the top prior to the move, and now it is the first I have quilted here. So a mixed bag of emotions. May I present, Dreamsicle:

I used Bonnie Hunter's tutorial to make the blocks. I just made them 16" square.
Mixed reds, oranges, pinks with my low-volume whites, adding blacks at the edge to frame.
Free-motion quilted on my Tiara. Feels good to have a finished quilt. Hoping life settles down for a bit!


  1. Oh, Kelly. First of all, I love Dreamsicle. I love the colors and pattern. I'm following your moving story closely. Our house is on the market and we have an offer right now. Keeping our fingers crossed that it all goes well.

  2. Lovely, lovely quilt. And I hope you are delighted by all that your new locale has to offer!

  3. Someone once told me that if you take a traditional quilt pattern and "supersize" it, it will look more contemporary and I think that's true. Beautiful colors! And another great job with quilting on your Tiara.


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