
Sunday, April 12, 2015

So we moved...

So we moved, 94.5 and an hour and a half away. From a new-ish house with ample storage to a smaller, older, house without. This is a rental, very dog-friendly, in a GREAT neighborhood. We can walk to the local park which has an off-leash area for dogs. The neighbors are amazing, I already feel as if we have made life-long friends! The drawback? Trying to cram my sewing/quilting studio equipment into a 10' by 11' room.

I went from this:

to this:

to this:
The tiny room was designed to be a bedroom. I grew up in a room just like this. It was perfect as a child. But for a quilting space it has been challenging. I had a mini-melt-down earlier in the week, which considering the situation was really good. I do have space for a design wall. But books, notions and backing fabrics haven't yet made it in here. Probably won't.

We are renting, since we do not know the area, and fully intend to look for an appropriate place to buy once our other house sells, so I know this is temporary. In the interest of maintaining my sanity, I have made it work and yesterday whipped up this pillow:
It is for a fund-raiser at work. Just half-square triangles, but it feels good to be making again.


  1. Hey you can do it! My studio is 10x11 and i get frustrated because it easily gets full fast. my design wall is two plastic board covered in batting that i can move around and even stack or slide in the closet. except my little princess Sofia climbed them the other day so i need new batting.

  2. Hang in there! Mine is about the same size too. And it is packed to the gills! I find myself cleaning and straightening often but in the midst of a creative burst stuff is everywhere! Found lots of creative storage areas, under the beds, under the couch??, in other closets, other rooms. My design wall is in the others it might look junky but then I don't have company often, and I see my WIPs often as I go up and down the hallway. Stepping back and getting a long range look is tricky however. Sewing in a small place can be done and I know you'll do fine!

  3. Good luck settling in. I am glad you love the neighborhood! We are putting our house on the market this week but won't move until we sell so it could be a while.

  4. Poor baby! I feel your pain, my sewing room is only about 8x10, so I have my new Tiara in the dining room!

  5. Good luck getting things all worked out!


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