
Thursday, February 12, 2015

the sincerest form

This little blog has been quite fun for me. I have tried different methods of keeping a journal, only to give up after a short while. This format has really worked. I can combine thoughts, images, links into one place, keeping a record for myself.

This little blog has been a portal as well, allowing me to virtually meet people all over the world. That is a powerful thing. When a lowly little peon such as myself can communicate with people in different states, countries and times zones, one begins to realize both how similar we are and how both large and small our world is.

Where is all this rhetoric leading? Here. I received an email in January from a reader. He had used one of my quilt designs as inspiration for a wood inlay tray.

The quilt, from 2011:
My own design, the second quilt I did to raffle for the Stokes County Humane Society. (Note to self: I need to make another one, this was fun!)

This gentleman shared a picture of the tray he made:
Isn't it gorgeous? His name is Jacob Truax, and I believe he is quite gifted. I also want to thank you, Jacob for sharing this with me, and for giving me permission to share on my blog.

This is a great example of how simple motifs can transition from one medium to another. You really can find inspiration everywhere!


I love to hear from you!