
Saturday, March 1, 2014

love, honor and (a very bold) glory (post 2 of 2)

My other secret project was to make a quilt for a very dear cousin. I knew he wanted one, and I knew which one was perfect for him. I had designed this quilt in 2009 to contribute to the Quilts of Valor program and have always intended to make another. I love how quick it goes together and had the thought of publishing the pattern. I may still.
Bold Glory 60" by 84"

Anyway, my dear cousin retired from the Army last year and since he holds a special place in my heart, I knew I had to make this one for him.
He received it yesterday afternoon, so I can share it now. As this quilt is all about the fabric placement, my quilting takes a supporting roll. I used gray thread and quilted a stipple in the red and blue areas, with a long, curved feather in the white areas.

I love the red, white & blue. I designed it inspired by the banners that families used to hang in their window during WWII, the number of stars on those banners stood for the number of family members they had in the military. For this quilt, I choose 3 stars for balance.

I love how the striped binding frames it. My son and I took these photos at Historic Bethabara Park, one of the early Moravian settlements here in Winston-Salem. Besides being a beautiful spot, I love the connection of history.

And my cousin loves it!


  1. This is a great design! I'm sure your cousin loves it!

  2. Absolutely wonderful, Kelly, I love this quilt; thank you for sharing, I know what a treasured blessing this gift-of-the-heart quilt is to your cousin.


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