
Friday, April 5, 2013

The organized stash

Jenny at Squawk That posted about her fabric stash, and how her taste has changed since she began quilting. She also writes about the enormous fabric collections quilters have and what can happen to them over time.

It is tempting to amass fabrics, new collections are released all the time and the marketing makes them look irresistible. That's marketing's job. I can see the temptation, and I have experienced stash envy, but I am not a collector. I like to use my fabric stash. I do experience trepidation before cutting into my beauties, but I just love cutting them up and stitching them together with new fabric friends, watching them transform into a new form!
My current stash, 1 yard and greater. Wrapped on boards and arranged by color.

I like to have enough fabrics to play with, and my taste is evolving, so I make it a priority to use my stash. Maybe I use them for gift or donation quilts, if I have fallen out of love. Or I might use them as FMQ practice/therapy (I MUST quilt for sanity!), but I have really focused on using them. It just how I am.
My FQs, sorted by color and in baskets.

So, if I love a pattern, I buy 2-3 yards. Since my Color Theory class, I have been rounding out my stash with specific color families and for these I am buying a yard. I had been buying charm packs and entire collection FQ bundles, but I am trying to use the ones I have and focus on larger pieces of fabric, just how my quilting habits have evolved.

And my husband has promised, they are not going to stop making fabric any time soon.


  1. Love to see how others store/organize their fabrics. I am about to move a dishevled sewing/office room and swap with my husband's unused "man cave" that has become a unused stuff collection ground. I am claiming as my sewing studio!!! Need ideas on how to organize and utilize space to the max! Love this idea with baskets for small items and folded in consistent sizes for larger pieces. Thanks for sharing

  2. Like the way you've got your stash organized. They look nice vertical. Most of mine are less than a yard, so it is hard to get them to stand up like that. Great idea though:)


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