
Sunday, April 21, 2013


Bonnie and I grew up attending the same church. There was a slight age difference, she is 3 years ahead of me, that when you are younger seems greater.
Our parents have remained connected, but life happened and we each grew up going our own ways.
Last year, at a local quilt show, we ran into each other. "I didn't know you quilted!" we both said. And we were delighted to start talking quilting. We exchanged email addresses with a promise to get together.

Life happened again, her mother fell into ill-health, her father passed away.
We ran into each other (yes, at another quilt show!) and again, promised to get together. Well, this time, we kept the promise to each other.

Last Sunday, I paid her a visit (we only live 15-20 minutes apart!). I arrived, and when I next looked at a clock, I had been there 4 and a half hours!

I feel like I have been given a huge gift! It is so great to reconnect and feel the love and the commonalities of deep friendship.

We talked quilting, of course! Bonnie has been sewing and quilting like me, but she had taken the plunge and purchased a sit-down long-arm, an HQ Sweet 16.

She invited me to play on it.
Ya'll (as we say in here in the South), that machine ROCKS!

Bonnie also shared with me, her summer hobby, marquetry. Look at this beauty:
She quilts with wood!!!

What a great Sunday!
 Neat coincident: she and her husband attended an event this week, and met my husband.


  1. Stuff like that never happens to me! Lucky you! I wonder what you could do with your own sweet 16!?

  2. What?!?! That marquetry piece in amazing. I've never seen a sit-down longarm. Will have to look that up!

  3. How fun that you finally got together. And you both quilt.

  4. How nice for you! There is nothing better than reconnecting with friends...especially when they wind up having same interests as us and we get to "talk shop" and play together :)

  5. so I am wondering when you will be ordering your own sweet 16 or perhaps the tiara (they have one on the floor at Sewingly Yours) -- I'm sure Teresa would be thrilled to help you out with financing.

  6. I know you quilt on a domestic and a long does the sit-down compare to the others? Which of the 3 do you prefer?


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