
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring break status

It may be Snowmaggedon 2013 at home, but here in Savannah the sun is shining!
The hubs and I have fled for sunnier climes, at least for the week. We have walked, talked, napped, shopped, eaten, drank, slept and repeated. Savannah is beautiful, and easy to walk around. The food is sublime and while it is chillier than normal, the sun is out and we are relaxing. Why, yes, I did bring a machine for some sewing/quilting!


  1. Nice:) Hid eggs in the freezing wind at the elementary school today. Big fun! What kind of machine do you quilt on?

  2. I would love to check out the projects in this book.

  3. Good for you...we are freezing here in WS, NC!!! Heading out to Little River, SC end of the week, hope it is warmer there than here!
    Enjoy your trip! Sounds like you are.

  4. Savannah is so beautiful! And I know you're going to enjoy that food. Lovely photos make me jealous.

  5. Enjoy your vacations. It looks beautiful out there.


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