
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Solar Flare* updated

*to add links!

I do not make News Years Resolutions. I like the flexibility of making goals any time of the year. And "New Years Resolutions" seem to have so much gravity and therefore seem harder to attain. To me, that is. But I have set a few goals for myself: 1. Paper piecing (I know, I am late to the party) 2. Improving my FMQ feathers (practice!).

On the first (paper piecing) my sweet mother has showed me before, but I just didn't get it. I was too immersed in improving my FMQ to take the time for it. FMQ has been the primary goal for me in the past few years and I am very happy with my skills there. So time for the next, to that end, I took a class with my dear quilty friend, Lee. Her class, Color Theory I is 2 sessions, with the first session devoted to selecting fabrics based on the color wheel and various color schemes. Lee had a TON of fabric samples to illustrate and this was fun and informative. I normally select my colors in an intuitive fashion, but she shows us a more deliberate approach. And I loved it!

The second session was paper piecing. And she got through to me!! Yes, there was some unsewing I had to do, but I got it. I really got it!

We made the Lone Starburst block from Six White Horses. Lee had obtained permission, so we each downloaded the templates before class. I chose to make mine using Kona Solids for a pure, intense effect.
My background is solid white, and I used a taupey-gray for the accents. I did have some small stumbles, but figured out to fix them. The backing is the same fabric as the accents.

And for goal #2. look at my feathers! The secret? 3 things: practice, practice and practice!

Solar Flare 18"x 18"


  1. paper piecing was a goal of mine this year as well and i took elen's class starting a few weeks ago. Your project looks great.

  2. Oh my gosh!!! I'm totally impressed that a. You're finished! b. It looks AMAZING!! c. It's quilted!! Those feathers! To say they look great is the understatement of the year!!! Great job! Great job! Great job!! Can I borrow this as a class sample???

  3. Now that you have paper piecing figured out, get a Judy Niemeyer pattern and try it!

  4. Love IT! Great job...would love to make one myself. Have you checked out my facebook lately, I have been posting all my completions. I have been reinspired since our quilt class with you doing "Monolith".


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