
Monday, February 18, 2013

Liebster Award from Katie

Imagine my surprise to set about my blog reading to find I have been nominated for a Liebster Award by my friend Katie from Snuggle up with a Dish from Karma! Katie is a new-ish blogger, a friend, guild-mate and student! She is also a fearless quilter, and quite FIERCE (in the positive aspect of the word). So I am quite flattered!
The nomination includes
  • Telling 11 things about yourself
  • answer the questions posed to you be the nominator
  •  choose other bloggers to nominate (must have under 200 followers)
  • create 11 questions for your nominees
once nominated link back to the blogger that nominated you so they can learn more about you.

Katie's questions:
1. Biggest quilt inspiration? Everything. And nothing. I am an observer, so my brain categorizes everything I see. I look at a lot of magazines, websites and books. I go to museums and shops. I travel for work which exposes me to many other influences. Sometimes an idea for a quilt will just appear in my brain, and I have to make it!
2. Favorite spot to get away?At home, it's my studio/sweatshop. I am lucky to have the "bonus" room over our garage. I have slowly been transforming it to a peaceful and efficient office/sewing space. Away from home? Anywhere with my husband. After almost 30 years, I still would rather spend time with him more than anyone else in the world!

3. Why do you blog? Mostly as a journal. I have tried various diary/scrapbook formats throughout my life, but blogging is the only one that has really stuck. I have been blogging since 2006, and really use my blog to keep track of my creative pursuits as well as events in my life. It is also a good way to connect with others, and I feel a lot of my blogging friends are very special to me!

4. What is one thing from earlier in your life that you wish was still available today? 
Summers off and Spring Break.

5. Favorite TV show. I don't watch a lot of TV,and could live without it. But my husband couldn't!

6. Favorite place to get fabric? Ugh! That is a hard one! Since I travel with my job, I always try to find quilt shops in whatever city I am visiting. Locally (Winston-Salem area) my favorite places are: Sewingly Yours; The Little General; Knit one, Smock two; Sew Original; (in King) Papanana's; (in Walnut Cove) The Thread Bear. I also go to Mary Jo's and Sew Much Fun when near Charlotte. I love Batik's, etc in Wytheville, VA and Schoolhouse Fabrics in Floyd, VA. When in NYC I can't miss going to The City Quilter and Purl. At the beach, the Quilted Butterfly and Sew it Seams in Morehead City and the Cotton Patch in Jacksonville. And I am always on the lookout for more!

7. What are your thoughts on scraps?I love my scraps and I think that quilts that I make from my scraps are "free" quilts! But that being said, I have gained the ability to discard scraps when they just don't inspire me any more.

8. Where do most of your quilts end up? Donated to good causes and gifted.

9. Favorite time of year? Summer. I like the heat. I do not mind feeling the humidity of August, it seems like the universe is giving me a hug. And battling depression as I do, I feel more alive with the longer days.
10. What are you most proud of in your life? My son, my husband. My son because he has always been such an interesting person and I really like the man he has become. My husband because we have grown so much together, and have shared each other's gains and losses. And we laugh a lot together!
11. What kind of quilting helper do you have? I have 2 canine helpers: Sarge is a Belgian Malinois we rescued from a kill-shelter; and Pepper, who is colored like a Mal, but shaped like a barrel. 
11 things about me:
1. I like my morning coffee. I like the ritual of it.
2. I can not sew with my shoes on.
3. I am really an introvert, and really get "peopled-out" from being around a group, but I enjoy people, so there's a conundrum.
4. I am a Parrot-head and have seen Jimmy Buffet 4 times, so far! (the first time was in 1980)
5. I was born in W-S, NC, lived in West Virginia for 2 years when my husband transferred there, then we lived in Lenoir for 22 years. So glad to be back in W-S!
6. I traveled to China alone. Spent 9 days there. And LOVED it! (look at my blog archives, I kept my blog while there!)
7. My favorite foods are homegrown tomatoes, collard greens, hamburger steak, steamed oysters, and blackberry cobbler.
8. I am not fond of buffets, too many people handling the food.
9. Can't commit to a favorite color, I love them all.
10. Free-motion quilting, yes, FMQ FOREVER!!! (living it, loving it)
11. I would rather travel and have experiences than own stuff.
My nominees:

My 11 questions:
1. What is your favorite quilt block or pattern?
2. What is your guilty pleasure?
3. What inspires you?
4. Tell me about your pets!
5. What is your music of choice?
6. Favorite vacation spot
7. What is the most influential book you have read?
8. What quilts are on your "bucket list" to make?
9. What is your favorite quilt making technique?
10. What is your favorite color combination?
11. What quilting tool or gadget can you not live without? (other than your sewing machine!)

Thanks in advance!


  1. Hi Kelly, Congratulations on your nomination for the Liebster blogger award and thank you for nominating me! I don't know how to link back to you, when I tried to add a link to your post it ended up on my blog not yours. Ooops. Any advice you have to clear up this mystery would be very much appreciated.

  2. Thanks for the nomination, Kelly! I got one a few weeks ago, too. They're a lot of work, aren't they? I'll try to get to this over the weekend when I don't have my crappy job to deal with!

  3. congrats on your award. enjoyed learning more about you.

  4. Thanks for the nomination! What is the Liebster Award? Do I just answer the questions on my blog? This is all new to me:) Love that you sew with your shoes off! I do that too! Best stitch regulator you can have is bare feet!


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