
Sunday, February 10, 2013

and now for something different...

This week was lost to a horrible virus that took me DOWN!

I felt so bad 2 days I didn't even look at a quilt magazine, much less sew! But fortunately it ran its course, and by yesterday I was on the mend.

To treat myself, I made a triple zip bag. I was introduced to this tutorial by my friend Kim, she used it to make one for her swap partner in our guild's pouch swap. So I bookmarked it and waited. I am a finisher, I have to finish what I am working on before I leap into something else. Well, only if it is not a quilt. I like to have different quilts in various stages to work on as time permits. But I digress.
Since this was not a quilt, I needed time to work through the (extremely well-written) directions, after changing my mind multiple times on fabric choices. And zippers, I had to buy zippers. (I followed this alternative finishing tutorial, a bit easier!)
Scissors from my stash for the linings!

So much fun!

My first, I already have plans for more! These will make great gifts to keep on hand and they make a great use for scraps. Just need to get more zippers!


  1. The zippers up at the shop are a great price and a good selection of colors.

  2. this is one bandwagon I have not hoped on yet mostly because I do not know how to make bags -- let alone put in a zipper (or in this case 3). I love all these little bags I keep seeing and might have ot muster the courage to give it a try, I may even have a few zippers laying around in my stash. Love that Scissor fabric and glad to see that you are doing better. I'll bet your ears were burning Tuesday your mom, Elen and I were talking about you at the BOM meeting.

  3. Pretty! Sometimes quick finishes are a great pick-me-up!

  4. You really must have been sick if you didn't have to strength to LOOK at a quilt/sewing magazine or book. Glad you are feeling better, love you little bag, great idea.

  5. Great 3 zipper bag Kelly. I love the scissors lining. Glad you are feeling better.


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