
Saturday, January 19, 2013

#2 for 2013

My goal in 2012 was to minimize my unfinished projects. I did so, rewarding myself with projects that not only started fun, but finished fun. I like to complete things. I also like to work on a few things simultaneously, at different stages; it keeps me from getting bored, bogged down, and enables me to have something to do to fill time allotted. I know this can seem a bit over-thought, but when I only have 30 minutes to relax, I want to pick up something simple.

To that end, during my recent studio cleaning/organizing time, I discovered my blocks from the block swap we had last year (in the Triad Modern Quilt Guild). Our guidelines were Teal/Aqua & Red with gray or white. Color is very subjective so there were different shades of the colors present, as well as the stylistic differences in the 9 blocks. 9 blocks will make a small quilt, and I wanted a larger one. One of our members (Ania) finished hers earlier. We were all wowed in her show and tell. She had made extra blocks from her stash, using what she had to unite the different colors into a cohesive quilt.

She was my inspiration. And then the scrappy trip along happened.

The scrappy trip along blocks are fun and addictive. As I sat sewing my first 14 (using my scraps) it occured to me to check my stash. and make some blocks to unite my quilt.

42" x 53"

So I made 3. And I loved how it came together.

One of my goals for 2013 is to improve my FMQ feathers, and improvement only comes with practice, so I decided to practice on this quilt. See, one of the beautiful things about such a busy quilt is that the quilting is really secondary and if you use a subtle thread (in this case, white) the quilting does not catch all the attention. So it is a good thing to practice stitches with. My feathers are so much better than I had hoped!

The bright sunlight really shows my quilting!


  1. Looks beautiful! I have mine on my list too.

  2. Your FMQ is looking good. The feathers look good. I've done feathers, but for some reason I've never liked them on my quilts. Weird. Here, I like it.

  3. yeah that trip along will get you every time -- It looks great finished. I think I need ot add start taking better pictures of my projects to the list of things for this year. Where'd you take that covered bridge photo? it reminds me of areas in Randolph County near where i grew up.


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