
Friday, December 7, 2012

....I have done a bit of quilting!

So I went back into the office this week. I had worked from home last week as my sweet husband is recovering from surgery.

Fortunately, the atmosphere at work is improving. And the work load is increasing, but the work is fun and creatively challenging.

The problem? My husband is rehabbing from hip replacement so most home things fall to me. And that eats into my quality sewing time! (I know it is temporary, and he is so much better with his new hip! He is also a very good patient, he just can not carry things with his walker or walking stick.)

I did start, and finish this wall hanging last week. Not having a commute gave me an extra hour and half every day, I used it wisely!

Here is my Swirled Tree:

29 1/2" by 34"
I found the pattern during my studio cleaning binge.
I used scraps for the swirls, fused them on, zigzagged the edges.

Then the FMQ! I wanted it to look like a winter storm, with the wind swirling snow around. I layered wool batting over cotton. The wool gives a lovely loft, with cotton to add body which helps it hang nicely.
It quilted like a dream!


  1. Your swirl tree is beautiful. You did a lovely job quilting it as well. It looks fantastic. Bravo, very well done. I love it! So glad your hubby is on the mend.

  2. Very pretty, and love the quilting. I'm in a Craftsy class with Cindy Needham and she says to double layer the batting, too. Wanted to take your class today at Sewingly Yours but no $$ --- post some pictures if you can!

  3. Looks great. I love things that come together easy and just shine


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