
Friday, November 16, 2012

scraptacular beginning

I sorted my 2 1/2" scrap strips into color families, Roy G. Biv style, with additional stacks for greys, blacks, whites/neutrals and holiday stacks.

This is always where the inspiration strikes! My first thought was (still pending) is to make an all-red strips quilt, since my red stack is by far the tallest (yellow and violet are the smallest). But I looked at all the whites/ neutrals and thought they looked so soft and quiet together, so some stitching (on my sweet Featherweight "Scotty") was in order.

on the design wall

a variety of neutral shades
I squared my strip panels to 12 1/2". Since I only had the strips to make 12 of these, they were not really big enough all alone so I added sashing from my stack of greys.

with the greys

I am happy with this arrangement!

strips awaiting

Now to work on the border, I am arranging these strip panels again in Roy G. Biv order and will develop these into a piano-key border. This is really a great way to use up some scraps, relive the quilts I have made earlier and just relax with no deadline. I really love scrappy quilts.

My husband is resting comfortably with his new hip. I am taking vacation time to stay with him next week, so I anticipate some sewing time during his convalescence!

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