
Thursday, September 6, 2012

whats goin' on

Posts have been light, but I have been busy.

Quilting on a gray/orange quilt:

Getting Halloween projects done EARLY for a change:

 Detail of "Boo" a Halloween crazy quilt
Detail of Retro Hallow'een
(Check out my "Completions 2012" page for details)

Preparing for my first SOLO SHOW-details to follow!

Trying to get my mojo working to complete a UFO:
 Too many little pieces, I call it "Total Tedium". Need to add a border for stability.


  1. Love total tedium! I would suggest off center and negative space if you are adding borders. Im hoping to try and get my Stellar star basted tomorrow and quilted this week to give to her next Sunday if at all possible.

  2. Total Tedium for you, but it looks great. Those kinds of quilts can get BORING to sew! Let me know where/when your show will be, maybe I can visit.

  3. Such great colour schemes on those projects! Looks like you have some fun sewing times ahead of you =D


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