
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Not my favorite

So, I finished a quilt that is not really "me".
Model is my delightful sweet husband!

I started it to test my "Stellar" pattern on my measurements and it fulfilled that purpose quite well.

The strips/strata that make the star are made of the re-issue of "Flea Market Fancy". I got caught up in the excitement over this line. It really is not me. There are a couple of the prints I like, and I am a big Denyse Schmidt fan, but this line, on the whole, is just not my thing.

I used Kona Coal in the background. In theory this was a great pairing, but in reality a fail. The gray felt dark, heavy and flat. And I think the quilt lacks a spark from good contrasts. Now all this is purely my opinion, so no haters please!

It looks better in the photo than it does in person.

I FMQ-ed it in my meandering swashes on a larger scale. I think the quilting helped by adding a bit in that dark gray.

Why finish something I don't love? Well, I like to finish what I start AND fabric is expensive. Also, as a creative exercise, I think it is important to try things I don't necessarily like as it makes a great learning opportunity. I learned my pattern calculations were correct. And it is one less UFO.

One more UFO to go. And I am not in love with this one either.


  1. Im not going to say it again. (But I LOVE it). Oops. Cant wait to see your show on Friday night!

  2. I really like it. Those UFO's get us don't they. I made up my mind when I started quilting there would not be any, so I am working on several at the same time. I will eventually finish all. As you said, the fabric is too expensive not to.

  3. Nice job! And always lovely to finish something. Always amuses me to see someone and/or their feet peeking out from behind quilts!!!

  4. Funny how some quilts we LOVE, and some just leave us going "meh"... I'm trying to clean up most of my UFOs too; it's not as much fun as starting something new, is it?

  5. Been there and done that. I have some not my favorites. One is the camper and the other on the back seat of my car. Its my emergency blanket in a pinch, mostly Rusty our dog curls up on it for a ride in the car.

  6. This quilt does photograph really well. I admire you finishing it. It can always be used with warmth and delight by someone else. I have tried many times to post this comment but find it difficult to match the "captcha" code.


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