
Monday, September 24, 2012

Catching up

This has been a busy month. We held the auction of my late, beloved MIL's property on September 8 and I have had to travel for work.

Also, I have been preparing for my first solo quilt exhibition. Hosted by the Stokes County Arts Council, it will open September 28 and hang through October at the Apple Gallery, 500 N. Main Street,  Danbury, N.C. The opening reception is next Friday, September 28 from 5:30 to 8.

I am excited to hang all these together. And I hope others enjoy seeing them. The Stokes Arts Council folks are so supportive, I know the reception will be filled with good vibes.

Some eye candy from DUMBO (Down Under Manhattan Bridge Overpass) in Brooklyn.
IT is part of a mural on the exterior of a Mexican restaurant. Vivid!


  1. I hope all the preparations are going well! What fun graffiti, it's nice to see it when used for the right purposes =D


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