
Monday, August 6, 2012

Not bloggin' still quiltin'

As my workplace has again become full of stress and uncertainty, I have dove into my studio as often as possible to relax. No new quilt to show, but a work in process.
And i would greatly appreciate any positive vibes you can send my way as I wait to find out who my mew boss will be (and if she will keep me).


  1. Your quilting Parson gray! How much better can the vibes get?! Here is a link to my happy place that I just returned from. Use it as needed.

  2. Hope everything works out at work--I was downsized in 2003 and it was a terrible experience, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Everything works out for the best in the long run, so they say, but it's not a fun journey while it's happening to you.

  3. That quilting looks so amazing!!!! I hope everything works out for you.

  4. Quilt looks really nice. I like straight stitching lately.
    I agree with Laura. I went through layoff twice in my professional carrier and have many friends that did go through this just recently. Actually 3 of my very good friend did get layoff in last year. Everybody found job and doing much better than before. Yes, journey is not easy but it may be just really great future for you out there. Sometimes we need push but do not have courage to make on our own risk. We become too scared to make move on our own.
    And when you find great job you would say: why did I stay there for so long. Let it go, it will pass and be OK.

  5. The quilting looks amazing!
    Hope things work out with the new boss! =D


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