
Saturday, July 7, 2012

July FMQ Challenge

I jumped on the July Challenge from sewcalgal early this month. I happened to be finished with the last 3 quilts and hadn't yet started anything, so the timing was right. I also have received my copy of "Free-Motion Quilting" with Angela Walters (who is the July expert) so the mojo was working!

 This is an AWESOME book and I highly recommend it for your quilting library.

I have been pouring over this book ever since I received it 2 weeks ago. It is so well written, well illustrated and highly inspirational. This month's lesson/challenge is also in the book, so it was familiar to me and I had already decided to try it.

This method of dividing the quilting area into smaller sections builds on last month's challenge, just in a different, more formal way. Making the smaller sections with straight lines and filling in was easy and fun, and the contrast of the border of the tiles with the swirl filler makes a great texture.


I love how it looks and I am already planning to use this in a flimsy I am preparing to quilt.


  1. That looks amazing! I love the detail of the stitches in the swirls! =D

  2. you did a great job! I hope mine will be somewhere near as

  3. Your quilting is beautiful! I love how everyone's swirls come out a little differently, like a signature. For me, the straight lines weren't so easy to quilt -- and neither were the curved ones, but that's why I'm doing this challenge in the first place!

    Can I ask, what's a "flimsy?" I've never heard that term before.

  4. Straight lines do add a lot of interest. Make you almost look at each little area. It does look much more fun.
    Great job as always.

  5. That is awesome! Thanks so much for the sweet compliments about the book :) Made my day!

  6. Beautiful! I love this design!


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